22 Februari, 2023
News from the greenhouse
Our tomato breeder has made big steps in development and extension of new colorful tomato varieties. That is why in the season 2022 – 2023 Wing Seed introduced the first black snack tomato ‘Nightshade’ with a very good and sweet taste. Please be informed here about all our new tomato introductions:

Nightshade – Black sweet cherry tomato of 20 gram. Many resistances: HR: Tomato mosaic virus, Leaf mold, IR: Nematodes, Fusarium, Powdery mildew. Loose pick fruits. Very nice presentation when combined with other colors.

Dattolime – Yellow date-shaped snack tomato. Different than the color suggests, this variety is very sweet. Moreover, when the fruit is aging the yellow color remains yellow and does not turn orange, like many other yellow snack tomatoes do.
The Dattolime-plant is very vigorous and healthy. The fruits are 15 – 20 gram with a long shelf-life.
Many resistances: HR: Tomato mosaic virus, IR: Nematodes, Fusarium, Stemphylium and Powdery mildew.

Redda – Red cherry snack tomato. Very suitable for the professional grower. The production is very high, as well as the brix of 10.0. Fruit-weight is 15 – 20 gram. Resistances are: HR: Tomato mosaic virus and Leaf mold and IR: Nematodes, Fusarium, Stemphylium and Powdery mildew.

Singored – Light-red cherry snack tomato, fruit weight 15 – 20 gram. Very good taste with brix of 11.0. Very good shelf-life. Resistances are: HR: Tomato mosaic virus and Leaf mold and IR: Nematodes, Fusarium, Stemphylium and Powdery mildew. Also very suitable for professional growers