
White Cabbage Victoria in Nigeria
Since a few years our white cabbage variety Victoria performs very well in Africa. The main reasons for its success are because Victoria is heat

Snack tomato Dattored F1
The red successor of Dattorange is called Dattored. This middle early mini San Marzano-type has long split clusters and a very good taste.

New colorful radish varieties
After extensive trials in Germany and France Wing Seed selected five new colorful hybrid varieties of Daicon radish

Good results watermelon Nevada F1 in Central-Asia
In Central-Asia one of our earliest varieties of watermelon Nevada F1 has been produced with very good results.

Successful trials with new early pointed cabbage Allegro F1
In Spring 2018 Wing Seed tested pointed cabbage WS 3308 F1 in Dirkshorn. The earliness of this variety was remarkable as sixty days after planting on 8 May it was ready to harvest.

Red Storage Cabbage
Storage trials in Marne (Germany) proved very good storing capacity of Red cabbage Saluda F1. Harvested in October 2017 and stored at 1.8 ÂșC, Saluda F1 still showed a very good and healthy quality in March 2018 compared to standard varieties.