in vegetable seeds
Since 1995 Wing Seed is a Dutch vegetable seed company in the centre of the European seed industry Enkhuizen. Our main markets are West- and East-European countries.
Our mission is to provide customers with a unique assortment of vegetable seeds that responds to their specific local needs in changing markets. In addition it gives the grower the opportunity to be distinctive from his colleagues.
The mission is accomplished through our ongoing contacts with local partners during the growing season. In combination with our long years’ knowledge and experience of the vegetable seed markets this leads to well-tested and well-performing varieties of high quality and yield standards.
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Wing Seed News

News from the greenhouse
Our tomato breeder has made big steps in development and extension of new colorful tomato varieties. That is why in the season 2022 – 2023 Wing Seed introduced the first black snack tomato ‘Nightshade’ with a very good and sweet taste. Please be informed here about all our new tomato introductions:

White cabbage ‘Dallas’
A very heavy white cabbage for medium long storage and industry (coleslaw, Sauerkraut). Dallas shows very good tolerance against thrips. 140 days after transplanting, very uniform crop and suitable for machine harvesting. Dallas has resistance against Fusarium (HR) and black rot (IR). The head formation is flat-round protected by firm blue-green leaves.

Red cabbage ‘Aviato’
This red cabbage is a specialty. It is an early small cabbage with a weight of 0.8 – 1.2 kg. It can be used for the earliest plantings under fleece, because Aviato is very late bolting. Despite the cold circumstances Aviato grows very uniform and is harvested all with the same size. As a result the sorting labor with processing and packing is low. Aviato is suitable for later plantings in June as well and is then harvested in September – October.
Contact with Wing Seed
Fill in the form if you have any questions about our products or about our company, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.